Service Portfolio
Business Atmospheres

My performance - Your Benefit: I design your business premises to match your corporate culture and CI!

Creating Relation – Business Relation

Interview & Inventory: 

In a personal meeting, we will define which changes you desire in your business premises. Key outcome of this meeting is a precise definition of the functions each room should have. This gives rise to initial ideas as to which furniture you like to keep and which new purchases are necessary. The facility should optimally support the workflow of your team. This enables optimized work processes and a positive team atmosphere. Based on the knowledge gained and your budget, I will develop a tailor-made concept for your company.

Creating Moods – Moodboard Business Atmospheres

Design finding with Color & Material Concept: 

Based on our conversation, I identify your personal corporate style and use a mood board to develop an individual color concept with suitable materials.

A mood board is a collection and visualization of ideas in which, for example, images, colors, textiles and natural materials are composed in the form of a digital collage *. A mood board is an ideal foundation for the design process and serves as a decision-making aid for you, especially in the early stages of the process. It helps you to get an overview of the proposed design options.

* On request, I will be happy to create a physical mood board for you (cost based on size and effort)

Creating Identity - Business Identity

Corporate Identity & Orientation: 

The appearance of your rooms is perceived as the "business card" of your company. Together we determine what ideas and requirements you have regarding your premises and how they should affect your customers and employees. We also define which style and which design best fits your company. There should be a clear connection between your premises, your brand, your logo, your advertising material and your homepage, which must be determined and represented. The final result is a design concept that perfectly embodies your corporate identity and culture.

Creating Botanics - Business Botanics

Representing with Plants & Flowers

Plants have been proven to ensure a healthy and pleasant room climate, reduce the stress level and act as sound insulation. Extraordinary plants in matching planters look very presentable and they can be used wonderfully as eye-catchers to achieve certain effects and create extraordinary atmospheres. When choosing the right plants, however, a few aspects must be considered. Location and lighting conditions, among other things, play an important role here. I would be happy to advise you on the choice of suitable plants and their requirements in terms of light, location and care as well as their effect on the indoor climate.

Creating Colors - Business Colors & Motivation

Color Advice & Color Concept: 

In addition to good lighting planning, the atmosphere of a room crucially depends on the chosen color scheme. Color is an impressive means of giving your rooms a personal flavor. Color creates identity and offers orientation. Colors can have a calming or stimulating effect, among other things. This impact, this effect can be used in a targeted manner. In addition, colors are used to increase concentration, motivation, creativity and team spirit.

Creating Light - Business Light

Light Concept & Lighting Planning:

Light and the correct use of light sources is essential to create a feel-good atmosphere in your business premises. Various factors play an important role in good lighting planning: the effect and structure that you want to achieve in the room, the light color chosen, the choice of light sources and lamps as well as their placement in the room. In addition, the spatial conditions such as the materials of the furniture and the floor, the color design of the walls as well as windows and light radiation must be considered. The type and use of the room call for different lighting requirements. 

There are essentially three functions that lighting has to fulfill: 

  1. The basic lighting, which is used for orientation in the room. 

  2. Creating an atmosphere through optical and light-controlled accents. 

  3. Functional lighting or space lighting, that is, the provision of light where it is needed. 

It has been proven that light has a direct effect on metabolism and circulation and thus on mental and physical well-being. This highlights the importance of deliberate lighting planning and a sophisticated lighting concept. 

Creating Rooms – Business Rooms

Room Visualization & Room Planning: 

Upon request, I will create a floor plan for you with the optimal furniture arrangement, expanded with suggestions for additional furniture and matching accessories. This service package can optionally be expanded as a design in 3D with perspective visualization.

Creating Style - Business Style

Atmosphere Style Guide & Catalog of Measures

I will develop your personal business style guide for you. This includes an overview of all proposed measures, e.g. the design of walls in the selected color or the rearrangement of the existing furniture. The style guide offers a roadmap for a targeted, systematic and coherent redesign of your business premises.

Creating Products - Business Furniture

Product suggestions & Shopping List: 

I will research the right furniture and accessories for you and create your personal shopping list for your business premises make-over. This includes photos and a description of the products, dimensions and delivery times as well as links to the respective manufacturers or dealers. 

Creating Results – Business Results

Final Set-Up

The finish: on request, I will be at your side for the final set-up and arrangement on-site. I support and advise you on the perfect placement of furniture, accessories and additional decoration, everything based on the arrangement in the drawn floor plan. 

Additional Option 

Creating Interior – Business Interior

Interior concept extended to your entire property: 

All of the service packages described can also be extended to several rooms or your entire property. As a FULL SERVICE I offer you a perfect, completely coherent business interior concept, in your individual corporate style and of course with the essential "COMMON DESIGN THEME".

The components of my service portfolio can be selected and combined according to your preferences. Compose your individual package!

The prices are calculated on an hourly basis (120 €/h) according to the order volume and workload.