Private Rooms – Business Premises
Medical Practices – Law Firms – Restaurants – Boutique-Hotels – Holiday Homes – Boarding Houses – Senior Facilities
Indoor and Outdoor

Interior Design

Individualized advice, concept development, tailor-made creations and realization of interior projects and room concepts for private and business customers

  • You are looking for living, working and business premises which are perfectly tailored to your personality, your corporate culture and your requirements? 

  • An interior design that uses the available space in an optimal manner while looking balanced, stylish and harmonious? Coordinated and combined with a harmonious color and lighting concept? 

Then you arrived at the right place!

Because that's the exact aim of my advice for your interior design!

Your interior design partner in Germany


Contemporary and coherent interior concepts for offices and commercial premises such as restaurants, medical practices or law firms support your company's success.

Based on your business style and range of activities, I design your business premises in such a way that you, your employees and your guests feel happy and comfortable. 



I also offer advice and concept development for an upgrade of your private property, individually tailored to you and your personal living space.

Arrive, feel good, experience and enjoy life with all your senses. In your own "feel-good walls".

Because harmoniously designed living spaces have a positive effect on our well-being, delight us and offer a piece of quality of life, every day. Inside the apartment and also outside. 


Contact me

Tell me about your wishes and ideas.

I look forward to you and your rooms!